First of all you have to understand what is the fault and what is the last state of device when it's working fine. Ask to customer for details as conditions effect to device and accure as fault. Now follow the steps- Step - 1 - check removable parts or the parts who interfacing the user daily. Like- charging jack, mic, speaker, sim card slot, mmc slot, sim tray, fingerprint sensor, power and volume up and down buttons. _________________________ Step - 2 - Replace parts with care and love as you repairing your own device. __________________________ Step - 3 - Check the fault you repaired. __________________________ If problem is solved then congratulations otherwise follow the step - 4 _________________________ Step - 4 - If problem is still there then start checking tracks and try to solve them to using jumper wire or use your own logic to maintain the current flow. __________________________ Step - 5 - forget yourself as a machanic and think like a farmer who just wanna mak...